O/o Chief Postmaster General, A.P.Circle, Hyderabad-500001.
No: WLF/Sports Rectt/2014 dated at Hyd-1 the 22.12.2014
Sub: Sports Recruitment-2014 —Notification — Reg.
Ref: This Section email dated 19.12.2014.
The number of vacancies shown at Page No:9 of the Notification against item +120 Kg.
Power Lifting issued vide this office Notification No:WLF/Sports Rectt/2014 dated
9.12.2014 may be read as 1(Men) only instead of 19(Ninteen).There is no change in the total
number of vacancies given in page no: 1 of the notification i.,e Postal Assistant/ Sorting
Assistant/ PA CO/PA SBCO- 57, Postman-38 and Multi Tasking Staff-10.
Asst. Director R,-ez-tt-&---w-rr)
O/o CPMG, A.P.Circle, Hyd-1.
Copy to:
Asst Director(Tech), O/o CPMG AP Circle, for information and to make necessary
correction in the said notification . DEPARTMENT OF POSTS: INDIA
0/0 the Chief Postmaster-General, A.P. Circle,Hyderabad-500001
No.WLF/Sports Rectt./ 2014 Dated at Hyderabad-500001 the 19 )2 2014
Notification for appointment of Meritorious Sports persons in the Department of Posts
in the cadre of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant, Postman and Multi Tasking Staff .
are invited from meritorious Sportspersons in the following
disciplines for appointment as Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant/PACO/PA SBCO/
Postman and Multi Tasking Staff for the year 2013-2014 and for the unfilled
vacancies of the years 2009 to 2010- under sports quota against the vacancies
shown in Annexure.
1. The details of vacancies are indicated in the Annexure.
(a) Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant
(b) Postman : 38
(c) Multi Tasking Staff : 10
2. Meritorious Sports Candidates will be selected for appointment based on the
instructions contained in the Department of Personnel &, Training OM no.
14015/1/76-ESTT.(D) dated 04.08.1980 as amended from time to time .
3. Order of Preference:
(1)Candidates who have represented the country in an INTERNATIONAL competition
with the clearance of the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports.
(2)Candidates who have represented a State/Union Territory in the Senior or Junior
Level National Championship Organized by the National Sports Federations
recognized by the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports or National Games
organized by the Indian Olympic Association and have won medals or position up to
third place. Between the candidates those participated and won medal in Senior
National Championship should be given preference.
(3 )Candidates who have represented a University in an Inter-University competition
conducted by Association of Indian Universities /Inter-University Sports Board and
have won medals or positions up to third place in finals.
(4)Candidates who have represented the State Schools in the National Sports/Games
for Schools conducted by the All India School Games Federation and have won
medals or positions up to third place.
(5)Candidates who have been awarded National Award in physical efficiency
under National Physical Efficiency Drive.
(6)Candidates who have represented a State/Union Territory/ University /State
School Teams at the level mentioned in categories (b) to (d) but could not win a
medal or Position in the same order of preference.
1 NOTE 1. In the event of tie, those who have secured a higher position or won more
than one medal may be given the preference.
NOTE 2. Participation in individual and team event / item may be given the same
3(a) Age for the Vacancies of PA/SA
Age - 18 to 27 years as on 19 - 01 - 2015
(Age relaxation for SC/ST- Ten years and for others Five years)
3(b) Age for the Vacancies of Postman/Multi Tasking Staff
Age - 18 to 27 years as on 19 - 01 - 2015
(Age relaxation for SC/ST- Ten years and for others Five years)
3(c) Age Relaxation for Government Servants -
(i) Upto 35 years in case of Multi Tasking Staff
(ii) Upto 40 years in case of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant and Postmen
in accordance with the instructions issued by the Central Government.
3 years after deduction of service rendered in military from the actual age as
on the last date for receipt of application
The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the last date for receipt
of application i.e. 19 - 01 -2015
4. Educational qualifications.
(a) Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant:-
(i) 10+2 Standard or 12th class pass from recognised University/Board of
School Education Board of Secondary Education with English as a compulsory
subject (excluding vocational streams),
(ii) Should have studied local language of the State of A.P. Postal Circle or
Hindi as a subject at least in Matriculation or equivalent.
(b) Postman :- A Pass in Matriculation from a recognised
(i) Multi Tasking Staff (Administrative offices):- A Pass in Matriculation
/ITI or equivalent from a recognised Board/University.
(ii) Multi Tasking Staff (Subordinate offices):- A Pass in Matriculation or
ITI from a recognised Board.
5. Scale of Pay
(a) Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant :- Rs. 5200-20200 + Grade
Pay Rs.2400+ admissible allowance
(b) Multi Tasking Staff :- Rs.5200 - 20200 + grade Pay Rs.1800+
admissible allowance
(c) POSTMAN :- Rs. 5200 -20200 + grade pay Rs.2000 + admissible allowance
(d ) Period of probation : Two years
2 (6) Submission of Applications
a) The Notification can be downloaded from A.P.Postal Circle web site
b) Applications purchased from outside vendors will not be accepted.
c) Applications to be superscribed as "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF
UNDER SPORTS QUOTA" and to be sent to
Chief Postmaster General (Rectt. & Wlf. Section)
A.P. Circle, Dak Sadan, Hyderabad-500001.
Category for which applied should be specifically mentioned.
(7) Application Fee
Application Fee: All the Applicants have to pay an application fee of Rs100/- (Rupees One
Hundred only) and it should be deposited/ paid in any Post Office in A.P. Postal Circle and submit original
receipt along with application. Candidate has to check carefully whether name of candidate and the purpose of
credit is clearly printed on the receipt. Details of fee paid must be noted in the space provided in the application
and original receipt to be pasted in the space provided. In case of candidates residing outside A.P Postal
Circle candidates have to enclose an Indian Postal Order of value of Rs 400/- in favour of Chief
Postmaster General, A.P. Circle, Hyderabad-500001.
Note: Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
(8) Method of Selection:
Selection of candidates will be made on the educational and sports qualification and subject to
fulfilment of other prescribed conditions.
(9) Disqualification:
a) No person — who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having spouse
living; or
b) No person - who has a spouse living has entered into or contracted a marriage with any
person, shall be eligible for appointment to service. Provided that Central government may, if
satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personnel law applicable to such person
and to the other to the marriage and there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person
from the operation of this rule.
(a) Original certificate should not be submitted. Photo copies duly attested by a Gazetted Officer
should be sent.
(b) Attested copies of all the required documents and certificates should be sent along with the
application. The documents/marks lists/certificates submitted at a later date will not be
(c) Community certificate for SC/ST & OBC in the prescribed form from the competent
authorities, as in Appendix 11 and III respectively are to be submitted. Certificates
(d) submitted in any other form or from authorities not competent to issue the same will be
(e) The applications should be sent through Speed Post Only. Those sent through any other
means, private couriers and given by hand shall not be accepted.
(f) Applications wrongly addressed or received after due date are liable to be rejected,
whatever may be the reason for delay. Applications without required certificates and
incomplete applications are liable to be rejected. No intimation will be sent in this regard.
(g) The selected candidates of all posts are liable to serve anywhere in the Circle and as and
when required at the sole discretion of the appointing authority.
(h) Once appointed, request for transfer will not be entertained for 5 years.
(i) Selection of candidates will be in accordance with the relevant recruitment rules and
administrative instructions issued by the Department of Posts from time to time.
(j) The Department reserves the right either to revise the number of vacancies or to cancel the
recruitment, if so warranted and the Department will not be liable to return the fee or pay
any compensation on the applicant's application.
(k) The candidate should give an undertaking that he will serve the Department for a
minimum period of three years, if selected in the proforma given.
(List of photo copies ( duly attested by a Gazetted Officer) of Certificates and documents to be sent).
a) All marks lists of Education qualifications.
b) Proof in respect of Sports qualification/achievements.
c) Proof for Date of birth.
d) Caste/Community Certificate in the prescribed form for SC, ST and OBC candidates issued
by competent authorities (Please see Appendix II and III).
e) 2 latest identical Pass Port Size Photographs (one to be pasted on the application and the
other sent loose with name and address written on the reverse).
f) Discharge certificate in case of ex-servicemen or prescribed certificate in case of serving
Armed Forces Personnel, if any.
g) Duly filled in Application Form itself with signed under taking form.
h) The Applicants have to enclose a self addressed envelope, size 9" X 4' duly affixing a postage
stamp of Rs.17/- for local ( within same town address) candidates and Rs 40/- for outstation
candidates along with the application.
4 Note:
1. Candidates to submit paper clippings if any published in the news paper on winning of
awards/prizes in support of the certificate.
2. Copies of photos taken while receiving the awards in support of the certificate.
3. Certificate signed by the Secretary of the concerned Sports Board only will be accepted.
Certificates issued by President/ others of the Sports Board will not be entertained.
4. Whether already employed details of the organization.
5. If the candidate presently practicing in the relevant sports and if so date from which
practicing and the name of Institution where practicing etc.
6. Write up in brief on what he will do in the Department in the relevant Sports/Event if he is
selected in 15 lines.
(12) The application in the form attached to this prospectus, completed in all respect may be
sent to the Chief Postmaster General ( Rectt. & Wlf. Section), A.P. Circle, Dak Sadan,
Hyderabad-500001. The application along with attested copies of requisite certificates should
reach on or before the date mentioned in the notification. Applications received after due date are
liable to be rejected.
a) Original certificates should not be submitted. Only photo copies duly attested by a Gazetted
officer should be submitted. The candidates should produce relevant original certificates when
asked for.
b) If the prescribed / required documents are not submitted along with the application,
application received after due date will be rejected and no request for revival will be considered.
c) Incomplete or unsigned applications or applications without photographs or applications
received after due date will be rejected.
d) Before submitting his application, the candidate must carefully read the eligibility
conditions and satisfy himself that he fulfils all the eligibility conditions for the post for which
he has applied.
a) Write the required information In English.
b) One envelope should contain application of one candidate only.
c) The envelope containing the application must be superscribed in bold letters as
d) An application will be rejected at any stage of recruitment process for not having been
submitted in the official format/having incomplete information / wrong information /
misrepresentation of facts / unsigned / without photographs / not accompanied by attested
copies of required certificates.
e) If a candidate has changed his name or dropped / added part of his name after
Matriculation/SSLC/Hr. Secondary, proof for the change of name such as Affidavit, Gazette
Notification, etc., should be enclosed.
NOTE : Only certificates issued by the competent authorities, for example, the Universities / concerned
Boards would be accepted as proof for having possessed the minimum educational qualifications or
date of birth. Only those certificates issued by the competent authorities and in the prescribed form
would be considered.
5 (15) CHECK LIST: Before submission of application, the following points may be checked
carefully and the corresponding columns are filled correctly.
(a) Check whether you have firmly pasted your passport size Photographs (5 cm x 7 cm)
in the prescribed place in the application form.
(b) Check your Eligibility carefully.
(c) Check whether you have filled in all the columns of the application form correctly and no
column has been left blank.
(d) Check whether you have filled in your COMMUNITY / CATEGORY STATUS correctly in
the relevant column.
(e) Check whether you have pasted the application fee paid receipt in the space provided.
(f) Check whether application form has been signed in full by you.
(g) Check whether you have enclosed the signed undertaking form
(h) Check whether you have enclosed self addressed envelope with requisite stamp affixed on it.
(16) The selected candidates shall be posted anywhere in Andhra Pradesh Postal Circle.
(17) The vacancies notified are liable to vary / change without any prior intimation.
(18) The Department reserves the right either to restrict the selection up to the No. of players
required or to cancel the recruitment, if so warranted.
Chief Postmaster General
A.P. Circle
6 Annexure
a)Applications for Athletic discipline for the following position will be considered
1. 100 mts. Runner - l(Men)
2. 200 mts. Runner - 1(Men)
3. 800 mts. Runner 1(Men)
4. 5000 mts. Runner 1(Men)
5. 3000 mts. Steeple 1(Men)
6. Long Jump 1(Men)
7. High Jump - l(Men) (15 Mens)
8. Shotput - 1(Men)
9. Javeline Throw l(Men)
10. Hammer Throw - l(Men)
11. 110 mts.Hurdles l(Men)
12. 400 mts.Hurdles 1(Men)
13. Decathlon 1(Men)
14. 400 mts. Runners - 2(Men)
15. 100 mts. Runner - l(Women)
16. 400 mts. Runner 1(Women)
17. 800 mts. Runner 1(Women) (05 Womens)
18. Long Jump 1(Women)
19. 100 mts. Hurdles - 1(Women)
(15 Men + 05 Women) Total= 20
b)Applications for Shuttle Badminton discipline for the following position will be considered
1. Men - 4(Men)
2. Women 3(Women)
(4 Men + 3 Women) Total= 07
7 (c ) Applications for Carrom discipline for the following position will be considered
1. Men 5(Men)
2. Women 4 (Women)
(5 Men + 4 Women) Total= 09
d) Applications for Chess discipline for the following position will be considered
1. Men 3 (Men)
(e) Applications for Cricket discipline for the following position will be considered
1. Batsmens 4(Men)
2. Fast Bowlers (1 Left arm/lRight arm) - 2(Men)
3. All Rounders - 2(Men)
4. Left arm Spinner 1 (Men)
5. Righ arm Leg Spinner 1 (Men)
Total=1 0
(f) Applications for Kabaddi discipline for the following position will be considered
1. Riders 4(Men)
2. Left Corner 1 (Men)
3. Right Corner - 1 (Men)
4. Left Cover/Rider - 1 (Men)
5. Right Cover/Rider - 1 (Men)
6. All-Rounder - 1 (Men)
(g) Applications for Table Tennis discipline for the following position will be considered
1. Men 4(Men)
2. Women 4(Women)
8 (1-1\,Applications for Volleyball discipline for the following position will be considered
1. Central B'ockers 4(Men)
2. Attacker 4(Men)
Setter 2(Men)
4. Libro 1(Men)
Applications t'or Weight Lifting/Power Lifting/Best Physique discipline for the following
position will be .considered
Weight Lining
6 Kg. 1(Men)
62 l<1,4. l(Men)
85 Kg. 1(Men)
4. 94 Kg. 1(Men)
5. 105 Ku. 1(Men)
6. 105 Kg. 1(Men)
7. 59 144,:. 1(Men)
8. 66 Kg. 1(Men)
0. 75 K. 1(Men)
10. 82.5 K. I (Men)
1 1 . 93 Kg. 1(Men)
12. 105 KE. l(Men)
13. 120 1(Men)
-1-120 Kg. 1(Men)
Best Phlsigue
1 5 75 Kg, 1(Men)
16. 80 Kg. 1(Men)
6 + 8+2=Total---16
Applications for Basketball discipline for the following position will be considered.
Forivvard 5(Men)
Backw-ard. 5(Men)
Centat 2(Men)
=Total= 12 APPENDIX -11
Form of Caste Certificate as prescribed in M.H.A. O.M. No. 42/21/49/N.G.S. dated 28-1-1952,as revised in Dept. of Personnel
& Administrative Reforms Letter No. 36012/6/76-Est. (S.C.T.) dated 29-10-1977, to be produced by a candidate belonging to a
Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe in support of his claim.
This is to certify that Sri/Srimati*/Kumari* son/daughter*
of of village/town'
in District/Division* of the State/Union Territory/*
belongs to the caste/tribe* which is recognised as a Scheduled Caste/
Scheduled Tribe* under
* The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950.
* The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950.
* The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) (Union Territories) Order, 1951.
* The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) (Union Territories) Order, 1951.
( As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Lists (Modification Order) 1956, the Bombay
Reorganisation Act, 1960, the Punjab Reorganisation Act, 1966, the State of Himachal Pradesh Act, 1970. the North-Eastern Areas
(Reorganisation) Act, 1971 and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976 )
*The Constitution (Jammu and Kashmir) Scheduled Castes Order, 1956.
*The Constitution (Andaman and Nicobar Islands) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1959 as amended by the
Scheuted Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act 1976.
*The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Castes Order, 1962.
*The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1962.
*The Constitution (Pondicherry) Scheduled Castes Order, 1964.
*The Constitution (Uttar Pradesh) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1967.
*The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Castes Order, 1968.
*The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Tribes Order. 1968.
*The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1970.
*The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Castes Order, 1978.
*The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1978.
*The Constitution (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1989.
*The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Orders (Amendment) Act. 1990.
*The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order Amendment Act, 1991.
*The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order Second Amendment Act, 1991
2. This certificate is issued on the basis of the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Certificate issued to Sri/ Srimati*father/
mother' of
Sri/Srimati/Kumari* of village/town &* in District/Division*
of the State/Union Territory* who
belong to the Caste/Tnbe* which is recognised as a Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe* in the State/Union Territory*
issued by the
3. Sri / Srimati / Kumari* and/or* his/her* family ordinarily reside(s) in village/
town* of District/Division* of the State/Union Territory* of
Place Signature :
Date Designation
State/Union Territory (With seal of office)
Note .- The term "ordinarily resides" used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of the Representation of the peoples act,
*Please delete the words which are not applicable.
The under-mentioned authorities have been empowered to issue Caste Certificates of verification
1. District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner/Additional Deputy
Commissioner/Deputy Collector/1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate/Sub Divisional Magistrate/Taluk
Magistrate/Executive Magistrate/Extra Assistant Commissioner.
2. Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate.
3. Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tahasildar.
4. Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his family normally resides.
(Government of India, Dept. of Personnel and Training, O.M. No. 36033/28/94. Estt.(Res.), dated 2-7-1997)
This is to certify that Sri/Srimati/Kumari* son/
daughter* of of village
District/Division* in the State
belongs to the community which is recognised as a Backward Class under :-
*(i) Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No. 12011/68/93 -BCC(C), dated the 10th
September, 1993, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-1, Section 1, No. 186, dated the 13th
September 1993.
*(ii) Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No. 12011/9/94-BCC, dated the 19th October, 1994,
published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-1, Section 1, No. 163, dated the 20th October 1994.
*(iii) Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No. 12011/7/95-BCC, dated the 24th May, 1995,
published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-1, Section 1, No. 88, dated the 25th May, 1995.
*(iv) Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No. 1201 l/44/96-BCC, dated the 6th December, 1996,
published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section 1, No. 210, dated the llth December, 1996.
Sri/Srimati/Kumari* and/or his family ordinarily reside(s) in the District/ Division* of the
State. This is also to certify that he/she does not belong to the persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column 3 of the
Schedule to the Government of India, Department of Personnel and Training, O.M. No. 36012/22/93-Estt- (SCT), dated 8-9-1993.
Signature of District Magistrate,
Date : Seal Deputy Commissioner, etc.
* Strike out whichever is not applicable.
Note : (a) The term 'ordinarily' used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of the Representation of the
People's Act, 1950.
(b) The authorities competent to issue caste certificates are indicated below :
i) District Migistrate/ Additional District Magistrate/ Collector/ Deputy Commissioner'
Additional Deputy Commissioner/Deputy Collector/lst Class Stipendiary Magistrate /Sub Divisional
Magistrate/Taluk Magistrate/Executive Magistrate/Extra Assistant Commissioner (not below the rank
of First -Class Stipendiary Magistrate).
ii) Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate.
iii) Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tahasildar; and
iv) Sub Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his/her family normally resides.
Department of Posts, India
0/o Chief Postmaster General
Andhra Pradesh Circle, Hyderabad-500 001
Format of Application for Recruitment of Postal/Sorting Assistant/PACO/PASBCO, Postman &
MTS under Sports Quota
I. Post Applied for
1) Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant/
2) Postman
3) MTS
II. Discipline applied for (Tick against the discipline)
Affix latest
passport size
1. Athletics 5. Cricket 9. Volleyball
2. Baskatball 6. Kabaddi 10. Weight Lifting
3. Chess 7. Shuttle Badminton 11. Power Lifting
4. Carroms 8. Table Tennis 12. Best Physique
III. Details of the applicant.
1. Name in Full ( IN BLOCK LETERS)
2. Gender
3. Father's /Husband's Name
4. Nationality
5. Community (Attach proof of attested copy of
Certificate in case of OBC/SC/ST issued by
competent authority in the prescribed format.
General OBC SC
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ]
6. Present Address
7. a) Date of Birth as recorded in SSLC/HSC/SSC
Cumulative Record.( Attach attested copy of relevant
b)Age as on 19-01-2015
( Last date of submission of application)
[ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ][
(D D / MM / Y Y Y Y)
][ ]
8. Address for Communication
9. Details of application fee paid, name of the post
office, Receipt No & date Paste original receipt here
12 IV. Educational Qualifications (Attach proof of attested copies
Sl.No. Examination passed Year of Passing Marks obtained Name of the
Board/ university
2. 10+2 or 12th class
3. Any other relevant
(Copies of mark lists to
be enclosed)
V. Sports Qualification (Attach proof of attested copies)
hereby declare that all the
information given is true to the best of my knowledge and belief I understand that if any
information is found to be false at the later stage, I am liable to be punished and my
appointment will be terminated, I also understand that in the event of my failure to complete
the pre- appointment training, for whatever reason, my selection is liable to be cancelled.
Signature of the candidate