Friday, September 19, 2014

Applications are invited for selection to the post of GDS BPM at Arlabanda Branch Post Office under Kosigi Sub Post office.

Memo No. B2  /  BPM  /Arlabanda    BO      dated  at  Kurnool-1  the  17-09-2014


            Applications in the enclosed proforma are invited in SEALED COVER from eligible candidates for selection to the post of Gramina Dak Sevak Branch Postmaster at Arlabanda    Branch Post Office under Kosigi Sub Post office.

1.         The post carries TRCA of Rs.2745 + DA per month. (2745-50-4245+DA)

2:         (I)    The Vacancy is “Unreserved”

3.             The last date for receipt of applications in the office of the undersigned                                                                                             is 17-10-2014. The Applications should be sent either by   Registered post or speed post only.  The applications received through courier services, by hand  and Ordinary post will  be rejected  and no correspondence will be entertained..

4.        The   applications should be super scribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF GDSBPM, Arlabanda  BO A/W Kosigi SO ”.  The applications should be addressed to Sri. K.V.SUBBA RAO, Supdt. of Post Offices, Kurnool Division, Kurnool-518001.

     5. The following are the eligibility conditions for the post :-

[a]        AGE: - The applicant should have completed 18 years of age as on the last date fixed for receipt of applications. The maximum age should not be more than 65 years.


6.   Matriculation or equivalent. No preference will be given to higher educational

6(a). The applicants selected for the post of GDS BPM should have at least 60 days computer training from a recognized Computer Training institute. At the time of engagement , the applicant  should  provide a  certificate  to that effect  from Computer Training  Institute from where  he has done  60 days  of basic  computer training.

7       The candidate passed S.S.C. or equivalent examination in first attempt will be treated as meritorious against those passed compartmentally.


8.    The selection of the GDS BPM will be done on the basis of marks obtained in
Matriculation/ equivalent examination. The marks obtained in second language [i.e. Hindi] will not be taken into account.

9.         RESIDENCE: The candidate selected for the post will be required to take up residence in the B.O. village before appointment. He should be able to provide accommodation to locate the Post Office. He should produce a proof to the effect that he has taken up a residence in the B.O. village with in the date prescribed by the undersigned after selection.

10        A Candidate applying for the post will have to supplement his income from other employment sources so as to have adequate means of lively hood to support himself and his family. A declaration to this effect should be submitted before appointment by the selected candidate.
    11.      The person selected for the appointment to the post will have to furnish the prescribed security.

12.     No person holding an elective office will be considered for appointment to the post.                                            

    13.     No person working as agent of Insurance/Finance companies will be considered  for   appointment.

   14..   Attested Copies of the following documents should be submitted along with the application. The application received with out properly furnishing details and with out any of the following documents will be rejected straight away.

(a)  Certificate regarding date of BIRTH.

(b)  Certificate regarding Educational Qualification [SSC issued by Board of Secondary Education].

(c)  Caste certificate issued by M.R.O. in case the applicant belongs to SC/ST/OBC. In respect of OBC candidates, the caste certificate should be in the prescribed format


(d)  Employment certificate and letter of permission from the employer to apply for the GDS Post [in case the applicant is a part-time/full time employee of the State or Central Government Department/ Organization or Panchayat Raj Department.

15     The proforma of application is enclosed. The application should be in Proforma only.
16.      Applications received after the last date or without the full particulars will not be   considered.

17.       One application only is to be submitted for one post.  One application for more than one post will not be entertained.

18.      Only one application should be sent in one cover and more than one post should not be mentioned in the application.

19.      The applications received without signature of the candidate will be rejected.

20.    The sealed covers containing applications will be opened in the
“OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF POST OFFICES, Kurnool Division,     Kurnool Head Post Office premises., near Old Bus stand, KURNOOL – 1.”
At  10:00 hrs on 29.10.2014.  The candidates who have applied for the posts should attend the venue with their original certificates. In case any candidate do not attend at the appointed time his application will not be taken into consideration.      
21.     The applicants have to attend for the opening of applications at their own cost.             
22.      Any type of canvassing will be a disqualification and their applications will 
           be   rejected straight away.

23.         No correspondence will be entertained with the candidates.

24.      The undersigned has right to cancel the notification/selection at any time.

                        Superintendent of Post Offices,
                    Kurnool Division, Kurnool 518 001.




[1]        The G.D.S.  BPM Arlabanda   BO A/W   Kosigi   SO.

[2]        The Postmaster, Adoni  HO.

[3]        The Sub Postmaster, Kosigi S.O.

The above said Postmasters of concerned post offices  at serial (1) to (3)  should exhibit this notice as well as the proforma of the application form  prominently on the notice board & see that wide publicity is to be given  and send a certificate to that effect within one week from the date of receipt of this letter.

[4]        The IP, Yemmiganur Sub Division, yemmiganur. He will please ensure that the notice/application form is exhibited on the notice board of the concerned office and see that wide publicity is given by Mail Overseers and obtain certificate from the Sarpanch of Kosigi   BO in token of having given wide publicity in the BO village.

[5]        The Mail Overseer, through the  IPO,  Yemmiganur  Sub Division ,  Yemmiganur .,He should ensure that wide publicity is given to this notification in the BO village and its hamlets, if any, within 10 days of the notification. He should circulate about the vacancy among the villagers of all classes and obtain their signatures on the notification it-self in token of having known about the vacancy and send it to this office.

[6]        The Sarpanch, Arlabanda BO a/w   Kosigi SO

[7]        The Mandal Revenue Officer,   Kosigi    Mandal.

[8]        The Mandal Development Officer,  Kosigi   Mandal. 

[9]        The Village Assistant, Arlabanda BO a/w Kosigi SO.

[10]      The Headmaster, MPP Elementary School ,  Arlabanda     village  a/w  Kosigi  SO
[11]      The Station House Officer,  Kosigi P.S.                                                                                                        
[12]      The Employment Officer, Kurnool- 518 001.

He/she is requested to sponsor not less than 3 names who fulfilled the requisite qualifications before the last date fixed. A requisition for nominations is enclosed.




[13]      The Postmaster General, Kurnool Region, Kurnool for favour of information.

[14]        Office copy.

The above mentioned authorities [5 to 11] are requested to exhibit this notice and also the proforma of application enclosed to the notice on the notice boards of their offices in the Gram Cutchery etc., for the general information of the public, wide publicity may be given about the vacancy notified in this notice.

               Superintendent of Post Offices,
   Kurnool Division, Kurnool – 518001.


DEPARTMENT OF POSTS:: GOVT. OF INDIA                                         
                                                                                  Regd A.D.
From:                                                                       TO
The Supdt. of Post Offices,                                                                          The Dist. Employment Officer
Kurnool Division,                                                                                              Dist. Employment Office,
Kurnool-518001.                                                                                               Kurnool-518001      

         NO. B2 / BPM /  Arlabanda     dated at  KNL-1   the  17-09-2014
             Sub:- Requisition for nomination of candidates for selection to the post of  
                         GDS BPM, Arlabanda BO A/W  Kosigi   SO – Reg.
              A requisition for post of Gramin Dak Sevak Branch Post Master,                                    Arlabanda BO A/W Kosigi SO is enclosed.   You are requested to sponsor atleast three (03) or more   candidates satisfying all the conditions prescribed, within 30 (thirty) days, from the date of issue of the notification.  If no reply is received from you within 30 days i.e.   on or before 17-10-2014 ,   selection will be made from among the applications received in this office.  It is very essential that the candidate should have some other adequate means of livelihood .

Encl.   1 proforma.                           
               Superintendent of Post Offices,
   Kurnool Division, Kurnool – 518001.


1. Office / Dept. and address.                     : The Superintendent of Post offices,
                                                                                  Kurnool Division, Kurnool 518 001.
2. Name and designation of                        : K.V.SUBBA RAO
    indenting officer.                                         : Supdt. of Post offices, Kurnool 518 001.
3. Name and designation of                        :
   officer to whom the applicants               : K.V.SUBBA RAO
   should report.                                                              : Supdt. of Post Offices, Kurnool - 518001

4. Date, time and place of interview        : At.10:00   hrs  on 29.10. 2014
Kurnool Division, Kurnool Head Post Office, premises
 Near Old Bus stand, KURNOOL – 518 001”
5. (a) Designation of the post                     : G.D.S. Branch Post Master.
    (b) Scale of pay and allowances.            : Rs. 2745 / - + D.A.
    (c) Place of work                                          :    Arlabanda BO A/W  Kosigi  SO

6. (a) No. of posts to be filled up                       : one (1)
    (i)  Reserved                                                  :   UNRESERVED 
(b) (i) No. of candidates                                                : Not less than 03 ( three)
              required for selection.
         (ii) Sex                                                         : No bar.
    © Duration of vacancy                               : Regular.

7. Educational qualification required       : 1.Matriculation or equivalent.
2. At the time of engagement, the applicant should provide a certificate from recognized Computer Training Institute from where he has done 60 days of basic computer training.
8. Whether he will wait and                         :
    consider applicants from other              : No
    exchange areas.                                           :

9. Any other information consi-                 : 1. Must be above 18 years of age.
    dered relevant.                                              2. Must have income from other employment so
                                                                                     as to adequate means of livelihood to support
                                                                                      himself and his family.                                                                  
                                                                                  3. Must reside in the B.O. village, on selection.
                                Certified that while placing this demand the instructions connected with the orders on communal representation to the service have been strictly allowed in accordance with the orders.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
                                                                                                                Superintendent of Post offices,
                                                                                                                                     Kurnool Division, Kurnool 518 001.

Applications are invited for the post of GDS BPM at Kondapuram Branch Post Office under Belgal Sub Post office.

Memo No. B2  /  BPM  / Kondapuram  BO      dated  at  Kurnool-1  the  17-09-2014


            Applications in the enclosed proforma are invited in SEALED COVER from eligible candidates for selection to the post of Gramina Dak Sevak Branch Postmaster at   Kondapuram       Branch Post Office under Belgal Sub Post office.

1.         The post carries TRCA of Rs.2745 + DA per month. (2745-50-4245+DA)

2:         (I)    The Vacancy is “UNRESERVED”

3.             The last date for receipt of applications in the office of the undersigned                                                                                             is 17-10-2014. The Applications should be sent either by   Registered post or speed post only.  The applications received through courier services, by hand  and Ordinary post will  be rejected  and no correspondence will be entertained..

4.        The   applications should be super scribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF GDSBPM, Kondapuram  BO A/W Belgal SO ”.  The applications should be addressed to Sri. K.V.SUBBA RAO, Supdt. of Post Offices, Kurnool Division, Kurnool-518001.

     5. The following are the eligibility conditions for the post :-

[a]        AGE: - The applicant should have completed 18 years of age as on the last date fixed for receipt of applications. The maximum age should not be more than 65 years.


6.   Matriculation or equivalent. No preference will be given to higher educational

6(a). The applicants selected for the post of GDS BPM should have at least 60 days computer training from a recognized Computer Training institute. At the time of engagement , the applicant  should  provide a  certificate  to that effect  from Computer Training  Institute from where  he has done  60 days  of basic  computer training.

7       The candidate passed S.S.C. or equivalent examination in first attempt will be treated as meritorious against those passed compartmentally.


8.    The selection of the GDS BPM will be done on the basis of marks obtained in
Matriculation/ equivalent examination. The marks obtained in second language [i.e. Hindi] will not be taken into account.

9.         RESIDENCE: The candidate selected for the post will be required to take up residence in the B.O. village before appointment. He should be able to provide accommodation to locate the Post Office. He should produce a proof to the effect that he has taken up a residence in the B.O. village with in the date prescribed by the undersigned after selection.

10        A Candidate applying for the post will have to supplement his income from other employment sources so as to have adequate means of lively hood to support himself and his family. A declaration to this effect should be submitted before appointment by the selected candidate.
    11.      The person selected for the appointment to the post will have to furnish the prescribed security.

12.     No person holding an elective office will be considered for appointment to the post.                                            

    13.     No person working as agent of Insurance/Finance companies will be considered  for   appointment.

   14..   Attested Copies of the following documents should be submitted along with the application. The application received with out properly furnishing details and with out any of the following documents will be rejected straight away.

(a)  Certificate regarding date of BIRTH.

(b)  Certificate regarding Educational Qualification [SSC issued by Board of Secondary Education].

(c)  Caste certificate issued by M.R.O. in case the applicant belongs to SC/ST/OBC. In respect of OBC candidates, the caste certificate should be in the prescribed format


(d)  Employment certificate and letter of permission from the employer to apply for the GDS Post [in case the applicant is a part-time/full time employee of the State or Central Government Department/ Organization or Panchayat Raj Department.

15     The proforma of application is enclosed. The application should be in Proforma only.
16.      Applications received after the last date or without the full particulars will not be   considered.

17.       One application only is to be submitted for one post.  One application for more than one post will not be entertained.

18.      Only one application should be sent in one cover and more than one post should not be mentioned in the application.

19.      The applications received without signature of the candidate will be rejected.

20.    The sealed covers containing applications will be opened  in the
“OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF POST OFFICES, Kurnool Division,     Kurnool Head Post Office premises., near Old Bus stand, KURNOOL – 1.”
At  10:00 hrs on 31.10.2014.  The candidates who have applied for the posts should attend the venue with their original certificates. In case any candidate do not attend at the appointed time his application will not be taken into consideration.      
21.     The applicants have to attend for the opening of applications at their own cost.             
22.      Any type of canvassing will be a disqualification and their applications will 
           be   rejected straight away.

23.         No correspondence will be entertained with the candidates.

24.      The undersigned has right to cancel the notification/selection at any time.

                        Superintendent of Post Offices,
                    Kurnool Division, Kurnool 518 001.




[1]        The G.D.S.  BPM Kondapuram    BO A/W  Belgal   SO.

[2]        The Postmaster, Adoni  HO.

[3]        The Sub Postmaster, Belagal  S.O.

The above said Postmasters of concerned post offices  at serial (1) to (3)  should exhibit this notice as well as the proforma of the application form  prominently on the notice board & see that wide publicity is to be given  and send a certificate to that effect within one week from the date of receipt of this letter.

[4]        The IP, Yemmiganur Sub Division, Yemmiganur. He will please ensure that the notice/application form is exhibited on the notice board of the concerned office and see that wide publicity is given by Mail Overseers and obtain certificate from the Sarpanch of Kondapuram    BO in token of having given wide publicity in the BO village.

[5]        The Mail Overseer, through the  IPO,  Yemmiganur  Sub Division ,  Yemmiganur .,He should ensure that wide publicity is given to this notification in the BO village and its hamlets, if any, within 10 days of the notification. He should circulate about the vacancy among the villagers of all classes and obtain their signatures on the notification it-self in token of having known about the vacancy and send it to this office.

[6]        The Sarpanch, Kondapuram  BO      a/w   Belgal SO

[7]        The Mandal Revenue Officer,    Belagal  Mandal.

[8]        The Mandal Development Officer,  Belagal    Mandal. 

[9]        The Village Assistant, Kondapuram  BO  a/w Belgal SO.

[10]      The Headmaster, MPP Elementary School , Kondapuram    village  a/w Belgal SO
[11]      The Station House Officer,  Belagal  P.S.                                                                                                     
[12]      The Employment Officer, Kurnool- 518 001.

He/she is requested to sponsor not less than 3 names who fulfilled the requisite qualifications before the last date fixed. A requisition for nominations is enclosed.




[13]      The Postmaster General, Kurnool Region, Kurnool for favour of information.

[14]        Office copy.

The above mentioned authorities [5 to 11] are requested to exhibit this notice and also the proforma of application enclosed to the notice on the notice boards of their offices in the Gram Cutchery etc., for the general information of the public, wide publicity may be given about the vacancy notified in this notice.

               Superintendent of Post Offices,
   Kurnool Division, Kurnool – 518001.


DEPARTMENT OF POSTS:: GOVT. OF INDIA                                         
                                                                                  Regd A.D.
From:                                                                       TO
The Supdt. of Post Offices,                                                                          The Dist. Employment Officer
Kurnool Division,                                                                                              Dist. Employment Office,
Kurnool-518001.                                                                                               Kurnool-518001     

         NO. B2 / BPM / Kondapuram   dated at  KNL-1   the  17-09-2014
             Sub:- Requisition for nomination of candidates for selection to the post of  
                         GDS BPM, Kondapuram BO A/W Belagal   SO – Reg.
              A requisition for post of Gramin Dak Sevak Branch Post Master,                                    Kondapuram BO A/W Belgal SO is enclosed.   You are requested to sponsor atleast  three(03) or more   candidates  satisfying all the conditions prescribed, within 30 (thirty) days, from the date of issue of the notification.  If no reply is received from you within 30 days i.e.   on or before 17-10-2014 ,   selection will be made from among the applications received in this office.  It is very essential that the candidate should have some other adequate means of livelihood .

Encl.   1 proforma.                           
               Superintendent of Post Offices,
   Kurnool Division, Kurnool – 518001.


1. Office / Dept. and address.                     : The Superintendent of Post offices,
                                                                                  Kurnool Division, Kurnool 518 001.
2. Name and designation of                        : K.V.SUBBA RAO
    indenting officer.                                         : Supdt. of Post offices, Kurnool 518 001.
3. Name and designation of                        :
   officer to whom the applicants               : K.V.SUBBA RAO
   should report.                                                              : Supdt. of Post Offices, Kurnool - 518001

4. Date, time and place of interview        : At.10:00   hrs  on 31.10. 2014
Kurnool Division, Kurnool Head Post Office, premises
 Near Old Bus stand, KURNOOL – 518 001”
5. (a) Designation of the post                     : G.D.S. Branch Post Master.
    (b) Scale of pay and allowances.            : Rs. 2745 / - + D.A.
    (c) Place of work                                          :   Kondapuram  BO      A/W Belgal  SO

6. (a) No. of posts to be filled up                       : one (1)
    (i)  Reserved                                                  :   UNRESERVED 
(b) (i) No. of candidates                                                : Not less than 03 ( three)
              required for selection.
         (ii) Sex                                                         : No bar.
    © Duration of vacancy                               : Regular.

7. Educational qualification required       : 1.Matriculation or equivalent.
2. At the time of engagement, the applicant should provide a certificate from recognized Computer Training Institute from where he has done 60 days of basic computer training.
8. Whether he will wait and                         :
    consider applicants from other              : No
    exchange areas.                                           :

9. Any other information consi-                 : 1. Must be above 18 years of age.
    dered relevant.                                              2. Must have income from other employment so
                                                                                     as to adequate means of livelihood to support
                                                                                      himself and his family.                                                                  
                                                                                  3. Must reside in the B.O. village, on selection.
                                Certified that while placing this demand the instructions connected with the orders on communal representation to the service have been strictly allowed in accordance with the orders.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
                                                                                                                 Superintendent of Post offices,
                                                                                                                                      Kurnool Division, Kurnool 518 001.